Men’s Health and Wellbeing

This men’s group will be men only, run mostly by men, the activities will give participants the opportunity to learn new skills and meet new people, also to discuss any aspects of mental health and wellbeing if they wish to do so. The act of creating can open a whole new world to all.

Each week we will have someone give a talk about their mental health and the skills used to help themselves, followed by a demonstration, which will give you the chance to experience, no pressure, if you don't want to take part that's fine, just show up and we will take it from there.

-       Skills and Hobbies

-       Art therapy

-       Craft, and woodwork skills

-       Men’s yoga, mindfulness, meditation

-       Walking and talking

-       Bush craft skills/Foraging

-       Wellness

-       Holistic Therapies


Often sharing one’s thoughts and feelings amongst a group, give’s others permission to speak their truths and realize YOU are not alone, such are group dynamics, connection, support, and nurturing help is available for all. (this list is an example of what’s on)

Contact Andys Mens Club for Mens Groups



Please seek out medical advice for any conditions,

Holistic therapies support you with your healing, but should not take the place of professional medical advice.

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