• Clinical Hypnotherapy

    Clinical hypnotherapy is beneficial for most issues and is individually tailored to your needs, when we have issues, we may need help with our faulty programmes, we develop these programmes throughout our lives through no fault of our own. Hypnotherapy creates a new way of thinking and overwrites the old patterns which are no longer working for us! Creating positive new behaviours which leave you feeling positive and more in control of your lives. 

    £60 per session,  1.5-2hrs

  • Transformational Coaching

    This is for people who really want to change and are prepared to do the work, it is an investment in your health and well-being,  Ask yourself, are you stuck at a crossroads in life, No Motivation, Depressive thoughts and feelings, Procrastination is a problem, are you on the right career path for you, Relationship problems, Or just plain lost or confused, help is at hand, only If you really are serious about changing your life for the better.

    £60 per session, 1.5 - 2hrs

  • Neuro linguistic Programing, NLP

    Neuro is how our brains work, linguistic, is how we organise our thoughts, and programming is how we are driven, who/what we learned our patterns from in our early formative years and are we still using these perhaps outdated programs. 

    N.L.P. teaches us how to use the right language in any situation, how to read other people’s nonverbal cues, and how to change faulty programming in ourselves and others very quickly. NLP is used in business, especially with salespeople, and can those wishing to get back into the workplace or open up positive conversations. 

    This is a very positive tool to use and can change patterns very quickly.

    £60 per session, 1.5-2hrs

  • EFT, Emotional Freedom Therapy

    Throughout life, we experience setbacks, trauma, fears and phobias.  These emotions are held in our bodies, by using a setup statement and tapping on these issues, on various meridian points on the body, we reduce the highly charged emotion from our bodies, we can remember the issue but it doesn't have the same effect on us anymore, freeing us to get on with our lives.

    £60 per session, 1.5-2hrs

  • Stress & Anxiety Management

    Anxiety and stress are on the increase due to recent events, we have all struggled in some way, but what if you struggle to cope every day! 

    You wake up feeling that feeling in your gut, you avoid certain people, events, going out, it affects our lives until we feel unable to cope, we do not even know why or how these feelings started, 

    Anxiety is stopping us from living our lives, let's get back in control of our emotions.

    one to one sessions: £60

  • Walk and Talk Therapy

    This wonderful fresh air therapy started during lockdown for clients who are suffering from anxiety, depression, panic, loneliness, or who want to lose weight but feel self-conscious out walking alone, or simply just need motivation. 

    I have a few go-to quiet places in Falkirk, Bo'ness and Linlithgow areas.

    People think you need to be sitting down to receive hypnotherapy, coaching or mindfulness, though in actuality change happens in the quiet, in the space between spaces, in each moment, and whilst we are moving, we are moving forward at all times, be heard, be hopeful, 1 to 1 therapy, or small groups.

    £35 per session, 1hr

  • Reiki Healing

    Is an energy healing which is kind, comforting, nurturing and makes you feel recharged, rejuvenated and at peace with whatever is going on in your life. 

    Reiki is beneficial for grief, for pain of any kind, especially for burnout and depression, this hands-on healing is for the Mind Body and especially the soul. It's powerful, yet gentle at the same time.

    £35 per session, 1hr

  • Aromatherapy/Swedish Massage

    Aroma-touch Massage is a gentle, neck back and shoulder massage using high-grade therapeutic aromatherapy oils, these oils help release toxins from the body, releases tension and trapped trauma, and inflammation from the body, you are left feeling relaxed, rejuvenated, and refreshed, bringing you body back into balance, works with stress, anxiety, hormonal issues and pain.

    £35 per session,  1hr

  • Kinetic Chain Release, KCR.

    This helps treat pain in the body, backache, sciatica, trapped nerves, when we experience pain in our bodies, we can overcompensate causing our pelvis to tilt, this shows up in our bodies by one foot being slightly shorter than the other, causing the imbalance, which in turn causes backache and other such issues, KCR brings your body back into balance and can be used for a number of other conditions, a lasting effect of this treatment is peace of mind.

    £35 per session, 1hr

  • Indian Head Massage

    This ayurvedic therapy works on all the pressure points on the Head, Neck, Shoulders, Arms and Whole Back.  This is always a wonderful surprise for clients who have never experienced this before.

    This wonderful therapy frees up the prana/chi (energy centres) in these areas to encourage the flow of energy.  A lifesaver for those of us who suffer from headaches, migraines and sinus problems, also these hours sat at a computer takes its toll, IHM help reduces tension in these areas! 

    At the end of the therapy, your Mind will thank you, (clear thinking) your Body will thank you as well!

    £35 per session, 1hr

  • Nutrition & Wellness Coaching

    Inflammation in your body, joint problems, chronic health problems, weight issues, perimenopause, menopause, underactive thyroid.

    Are you sick of diet classes, motivation is gone, let me help you get back on track with some easy-to-manage changes in your lifestyle. I look at all aspects of your diet, your lifestyle, understanding your emotional eating, cutting out sugar, reducing belly fat, looking at your sleeping habits, cravings, detox, and more, menu suggestions available.

    6wk course or 121 therapy


  • Hot Stone Massage

    This lovely therapy is good for circulation problems, for achy joints, for pain in the body, including back pain or inflammation, for relaxation, for pure body bliss, full-body massage using hot stones, what's not to like?

    £35 per session, 1hr

Please seek out medical advice for any conditions,

Holistic therapies support you with your healing, but should not take the place of professional medical advice.

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