Volunteer Development Program

Have you got time on your hands and want to help others, perhaps you have got a skill you can share or have a story to tell which can help others with their own personal journey, by sharing your own experience it breaks down barriers and builds rapport. 

You can choose how many hours you wish to help out, there will be training available, and you may learn a new skill which will benefit others, as well as yourself. There will be lots of fun events to take part in and of course, the day to day running, and you will be part of a great team.

If you have been identified as a potential volunteer, you are required to have a Disclosure Scotland check (PVG)  please discuss with   admin for further information. 

You must also provide us with 2 referees who  know you well but are not related to you or live in  your household.   You will be   supported  throughout your volunteering, once you are fully  trained, you can start volunteering at the Well  Now, Health and Wellbeing  Centre.

A list of positions will be published as and when required. 

“A kind gesture can reach a wound that only compassion can heal.”
Steve Maraboli

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